Guest Book

Please feel free to sign my guestbook to let me know you visited!

  Name : Kim Holmes
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Via dogzonline
Comments : I just wanted to say how gorgeous and happy your dogs look. The airedale in the photo sitting on your knee is exactly what mine does whenever I sit on the phone. Lovely clever and cheeky dog's.
Date : 25-Apr-21

  Name : Jenny and Michael Ullmer
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Through the kennel club
Comments : We would dearly love to welcome one of your lovely welsh terrier puppies into our family. May we please join the waiting list? We hear they are such beautiful natured dogs. We already have a four year old schnauzer who would welcome a new playmate. Plenty of walks every day and weekends at the beach. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks, Jenny
Date : 27-Feb-21

  Name : Roisin Ruddy
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us :
Comments : Hello, do you have any litters coming up please? My number is 0499881728. Kind regards, Roisin
Date : 16-Nov-20

  Name : Bernadette
Web Site :
Country : South Australia
How you found us : Word of mouth
Comments : We are very interested in been on a waiting list for one of your puppies. We did have a German shepherd several years ago. It as taken untill now for us to begin our research to find a new dog.
Date : 25-Oct-20

  Name : Bernadette
Web Site :
Country : South Australia
How you found us : Word of mouth
Comments : We are very interested in been on a waiting list for one of your puppies. We did have a German shepherd several years ago. It as taken untill now for us to begin our research to find a new dog.
Date : 25-Oct-20

  Name : Lorraine Baker
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us :
Comments : Hi, We are looking to get another dog for my retired mother. We lost our beautiful Staghound a couple of months back, and would love a new companion for Mum. She thinks your dogs are gorgeous, and would be able to spend many hours of quality time with one, taking them for walks along the foreshore, to the park, each day. As we previously had a staghound, her backyard is secured, with 2m high fences. Could you please contact me, to advise if you have any puppies left from this November expected litter, and all relevant related information? I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you
Date : 24-Oct-20

  Name : Jenny Vallins
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : Hello, my husband and I (semi retired and no other family members or dogs at home). Are interested in a welsh terrier and would like to give a puppy a lovely home with terrific Walks nearby. Do you have a wait list at the moment? Thanks, Jenny. 0407 865 947
Date : 18-Sep-20

  Name : Karen Mortland
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Internet
Comments : Hello David and Dianne, I have always had Scottie dogs but am finding they are not in good health around the 10 year mark and then generally pass before they are 11years old! Very distresing, it is due to various forms of Cancer.I met a Welsh Terrier at our local coffee shop and was very enamoured. I noted the owner said very few health problems and the dog was 13. Can you tell me if you are noticing an increase in cancer with Welsh Terriers? Could you also let me know the availability of puppies do you have a couple of litters per year or just one? Could you also drop me a note as to the expected price of a pup. Thnak you, sorry so many questions. Hope you are all well in this difficult Covid period. Kind regards, Karen Mortland.
Date : 26-Aug-20

  Name : Lynn Hollander
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Internet
Comments : Hi David & Dianne Having owned a Welsh many years ago we love the character of of the breed and would like to provide a good home for a Welsh Terrier puppy. It would be appreciated if you could advise us of future litters We live in South Australia Kind Regards Lynn & Keith Hollander
Date : 20-May-20

  Name : Jenny Young
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Word of mouth
Comments : Could you please notify me when your next litter of Welsh Terriers is due to arrive. Warm regards Jenny Young
Date : 15-Dec-19

  Name : Erin Nelson
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google!
Comments : Would love to be updated on any future litters.
Date : 18-Sep-18

  Name : Kim Dunoon
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us :
Comments : Would love to have a Welsh Terrier Pup become part of our family. Please let me know when your next litter is planned or due. Talk soon ( I hope ) Kim
Date : 27-Jun-18

  Name : Brooke Harris
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : My Mum
Comments : They are the cutest dogs and my mum adores them. just wondering when you have puppies for sale.
Date : 18-Jun-18

  Name : Kylie steel
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : My daughter
Comments : We have been admiring your beautiful Welsh Terriers and would love to have one join our family. Can you please add us to your puppy waiting list. Thanks Kylie
Date : 13-Jun-18

  Name : Keith & Heather Allcock
Web Site :
Country : Tasmania Australia
How you found us : Web page
Comments : We are interested in your considering us for your 2018/19 litter. Our last dog was a Lakeland Terrier who died at the age of 16 several years ago. We would like to welcome a Welsh Terrier to our home and family.
Date : 1-Apr-18

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Contact Details
David & Dianne Barclay
Lilydale, VIC, Australia
Phone : 03 9735 1416
Email : [email protected]

Dogz Online - Dogs, Breeders, Puppies